The reason why women are scared of Edgar Button (Boyd Doghouse)
If you're a woman or a teenager Boyd will start off by complimenting you, defending you online and perhaps pay pigging you if you're attractive enough as he's commonly known to buy women underwear, food, video games or just outright give women money (at a cost of course) Now if you defy the will of Boyd by talking to someone he dislikes or perhaps not sucking up to him enough for his liking it becomes a different story. In this video above we see Dreams Emerald being bullied, threatened and harassed by Boyd for merely talking to people he does not like and Boyd really does not like this, much like Weinstein Boyd will pressure/bully and make sure your reputation is destroyed as much as possible on Second Life or perhaps in real life if he can for daring to disrespect him and as the video shows, daddy Boyd no like disrespectful women. A few days later he finally broke Dreams into apologising and begging for his forgiveness and as most people do to avoid anymore harass...