
Showing posts from 2018

Why is Boyd stalking Britbong (Edgar Button, Boyd Doghouse)

Boyd the Lonely Clown Alexander the 60 year old  Second Life  veteran has spent 4 years of his life stalking and obsessing over Britbong merely because Britbong swooned the girl he was paypigging online (Upraksi). Boyd spent countless hours listening to her complaints, throwing money at her and buying her pizzas and creepily hitting on her when she was drunk (as leaked by Upraksi herself) only for Britbong to swoop in and swoon her, yikes. Master Button (edgar.button): am I gonna get in trouble if I kiss your ear lobe? [2014/05/28 02:30] Master Button (edgar.button): lol guess so [2014/05/28 02:30] Upraksi: nooo [2014/05/28 02:30] Master Button (edgar.button): I won't get in trouble? [2014/05/28 02:31] Master Button (edgar.button): would you close you eyes and pretend like you didn't notice? [2014/05/28 02:34] Upraksi: lol whattt 2014/06/26 23:38] Master Button (edgar.button): would I get in trouble if I kissed your tummy? [2014/06/26 23:38] Upraksi: EW...

The reason why women are scared of Edgar Button (Boyd Doghouse)

If you're a woman or a teenager Boyd will start off by complimenting you, defending you online and perhaps pay pigging you if you're attractive enough as he's commonly known to buy women underwear, food, video games or just outright give women money (at a cost of course) Now if you defy the will of Boyd by talking to someone he dislikes or perhaps not sucking up to him enough for his liking it becomes a different story. In this video above we see Dreams Emerald being bullied, threatened and harassed by Boyd for merely talking to people he does not like and Boyd really does not like this, much like Weinstein Boyd will pressure/bully and make sure your reputation is destroyed as much as possible on Second Life or perhaps in real life if he can for daring to disrespect him and as the video shows, daddy Boyd no like disrespectful women. A few days later he finally broke Dreams into apologising and begging for his forgiveness and as most people do to avoid anymore harass...

Boyd threatens Aly

Edgar Button (Boyd) channels his inner Weinstein against Aly by threatening to ruin her streaming career and have her kids taken away for merely talking to BritbongReturns whome Boyd utterly despises for dating Upraksi a girl Boyd had a crush on and was used by as her personal paypig and internet dad. Boyd has never recovered from the cucking and seeks retribution on any women/person who disobeys his will, the absolute state of this 60 year old.

Why does Anything4views hate Britbongreturns

Why does Anything4views hate Britbong  1)  Anything4views randomly starts trash talking BritbongReturns a person he has never met or talk to because Emmahdorable got exposed and made to look like a fool on Twitter by him and Chad decides to suck up to her. 2) Britbong enters the discord and asks what his problem is and Chad backs down and then he leaves. Months Later Anything 4 views gets twitter banned and proceeds to blame Britbong based on no evidence at all on Ice Poisidon stream then goes on Baited Podcast and lowkey hints at it being BritbongReturns. Skip a few months and Baited have another Podcast bitching about Twitter bans and they heavily hint to it being Britbong with no actual proof again and Keemstar makes threats towards BritbongReturns without naming him hinting they will dox him,  so Britbong questions anything4views and he acts like a condescending asshole but agrees that it might be bullshit. A few hours later Britbong tweets about ...