Why is Boyd stalking Britbong (Edgar Button, Boyd Doghouse)

Boyd the Lonely Clown

Alexander the 60 year old Second Life veteran has spent 4 years of his life stalking and obsessing over Britbong merely because Britbong swooned the girl he was paypigging online (Upraksi).

Boyd spent countless hours listening to her complaints, throwing money at her and buying her pizzas and creepily hitting on her when she was drunk (as leaked by Upraksi herself) only for Britbong to swoop in and swoon her, yikes.

Master Button (edgar.button): am I gonna get in trouble if I kiss your ear lobe?
[2014/05/28 02:30] Master Button (edgar.button): lol guess so
[2014/05/28 02:30] Upraksi: nooo
[2014/05/28 02:30] Master Button (edgar.button): I won't get in trouble?
[2014/05/28 02:31] Master Button (edgar.button): would you close you eyes and pretend like you didn't notice?
[2014/05/28 02:34] Upraksi: lol whattt
2014/06/26 23:38] Master Button (edgar.button): would I get in trouble if I kissed your tummy?
[2014/06/26 23:38] Upraksi: EW
[2014/06/26 23:38] Upraksi: STOP
[2014/06/26 23:39] Master Button (edgar.button): ew?
[2014/06/26 23:39] Master Button (edgar.button): lol
[2014/06/26 23:39] Master Button (edgar.button): you don't like that?

Eventually Britbong met her in real life and Boyd supposedly "broke into tears" upon hearing the news because "she ask him for permission to visit britbong"

The moment Upraksi returned from the UK Boyd unleashed his incel rage upon her with multiple excuses from her owing him money to her lying to him and proclaiming she loved him, eventually she quit the internet due to Boyd harassing her on and off Second Life.

Britbong exposed his behaviour (like many others) so Boyds mission in life is to deplatform, slander and "ruin britbong's life" to the best of his abilities by befriending his enemies or harassing anyone he knows.

I could be here all day linking evidence but I think his own blog should suffice here

There is also some information on his ED article but it has been vandalised by Boyd himself or people he has asked to mess with the page.  Here

One thing is certain, Boyd is still mad.


  1. Boyd Campbell
    JACKSON, MS 39201
    United States

    Alexander Boyd Campbell

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yep he is a lifelong STALKER, threats, intimidation, brow beating, harassment it's all he knows to get attention. Documented his crazy stalking on my life on it goes: https://slcracknhack.blogspot.com/


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