Why is Boyd stalking Britbong (Edgar Button, Boyd Doghouse)

Boyd the Lonely Clown Alexander the 60 year old Second Life veteran has spent 4 years of his life stalking and obsessing over Britbong merely because Britbong swooned the girl he was paypigging online (Upraksi). Boyd spent countless hours listening to her complaints, throwing money at her and buying her pizzas and creepily hitting on her when she was drunk (as leaked by Upraksi herself) only for Britbong to swoop in and swoon her, yikes. Master Button (edgar.button): am I gonna get in trouble if I kiss your ear lobe? [2014/05/28 02:30] Master Button (edgar.button): lol guess so [2014/05/28 02:30] Upraksi: nooo [2014/05/28 02:30] Master Button (edgar.button): I won't get in trouble? [2014/05/28 02:31] Master Button (edgar.button): would you close you eyes and pretend like you didn't notice? [2014/05/28 02:34] Upraksi: lol whattt 2014/06/26 23:38] Master Button (edgar.button): would I get in trouble if I kissed your tummy? [2014/06/26 23:38] Upraksi: EW...